Start To Be A Leader!

Every month more and more partners reach Emgoldex Leadership Program. Last month tjhey were 27 partners and the number is growing.

But that is not all, partners who already were in Leadership program, now reaches to higher levels to earn more. Ok, I will give you some numbers - in Febuary 2013 Level 2 - 23, Level 3 - 8, Level 4 - 12, Level 5 - 3, Level 6 - 4 and Level 7 - 5 people.

I know that many of you think to get there, you need tons of people. It is not true - half of them only have 2 - 4 direct partners.

So, now you see that it is possible without working 24/7.

To remind you how much they earn for each point GO HERE!

If you want to see with your own eyes REGISTER IN EMGOLDEX HERE!
To watch videos CLICK HERE!

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