Start To Be A Leader!

Every month more and more partners reach Emgoldex Leadership Program. Last month tjhey were 27 partners and the number is growing.

But that is not all, partners who already were in Leadership program, now reaches to higher levels to earn more. Ok, I will give you some numbers - in Febuary 2013 Level 2 - 23, Level 3 - 8, Level 4 - 12, Level 5 - 3, Level 6 - 4 and Level 7 - 5 people.

I know that many of you think to get there, you need tons of people. It is not true - half of them only have 2 - 4 direct partners.

So, now you see that it is possible without working 24/7.

To remind you how much they earn for each point GO HERE!

If you want to see with your own eyes REGISTER IN EMGOLDEX HERE!
To watch videos CLICK HERE!


Emgoldex - no hidden rocks, just safe business!

My first experience in online and MLM busineses was couple of years ago. I can tell one thing -  it wasn't great. I earned nothing. From the other hand I can't tell that it was a waste of time, beacause I receoved experience and knowladges.

Few years later I was ready to try again. A friend offered me Emgoldex business. I watched video presentation and it looked great, so, I decided to join. It was right decision. Now I work for a year in this gold company and I have no complains about it. I even haven't heard any bad feedback from any of partners. Everyone gets their money in time.

Now something bad about online busineses. Next to Emgoldex i tried other online busineses. They all failed. I did not get any earning from them, just lost money. So, I want to give some advices to you - how to assess online opportunities.

First position I look at is the age of company. It must be around two years old for me to show interest. It is the first thing which shows if the company thinks long term.

Second is the visual look of the page. It can't be very simple, because it shows if the company owners are serious about it.
When it is very simple, it gives you doubts about aims this company hs set.

Third position - if the company upgrades the business - new products, visual look, easier usage and fst support.

Fourth - no serious business starts from zero, there must be a capital to put in. But before you put in any money, go through previous points I mentioned.

Fifth - passive online opportunities are short term. Don't go there. 99% you will be robed. To earn, you must do something, not sit and wait.

If you want safe business, Emgoldex is for you, because this companu correspond to all these positions. You can contact me any time, I will guide you through Emgoldex business model.

So, these are the things I wanted to share with you. Please, think through when you join any online business.


Increase your earnings with Emgoldex Leadership Program!

Company Emgoldex gives us a chance to earn money in 2 levels. As you understand - first is the table program, where you cn earn about 3500EUR after finishing each table. I know, it is great.

But there is a second level too - it is called Emgoldex Leadership program. The system is very simple. You earn points from your structure -  team. It does not matter how deep is the person who finishes the table, you receive points.

Why do you need those points?

After you finish the table, points are turned into Euros and added to your earnings. When you start new table, points continue to grow.

Leadership program has 12 levels:

12th level      200000 units      32.0 credit bonuses
11th level      100000 units      31.0 credit bonuses
10th level        500000 units      29.5 credit bonuses
9th level        25000 units      27.5 credit bonuses
8th level        10000 units      25.0 credit bonuses
7th level          5000 units      22.5 credit bonuses
6th level          2500 units      20.0 credit bonuses
5th level          1000 units      17.5 credit bonuses
4th level            500 units      15.0 credit bonuses
3rd level             250 units      12.5 credit bonuses
2nd level            100 units      10.0 credit bonuses
1st  level                                 7.5 credit bonuses

As you can see, in first level you earn 7,5 Euros per point, but in 12th level it is 32 Euros.

Example: The Order of the buyer is at the first level of Leadership program:

3500/500 = 7.0 units * 7.5 = 52.50 credit bonuses

How you can qualify for Leadership program?

It is very simple: You need to finish one main table, two of your partners must finish one main table and 2 of their partners must finish one main table. There is a bonus too when you qualify - Gold watch given by company. Great stimulation to reach this program.

As you can see, you have a chance to earn a lot of money in Emgoldex Leadership program. It just takes a little bit of work. But it is worth it.



So, I want to show you few great videos about gold and it's future. Those videos will give you a theme to think about. Maybe it is time to invest in GOLD? What do you think?
If you can't afford to buy gold, join our Emgoldex team and earn it. It is simple and safe business program. Go to section GOLD PROGRAMS to find out more!